Examination Plan and Syllabus of written examination for selection on vacant posts of direct recruitment of Draftsman and Cartographer

Examination Plan and Syllabus of written examination for selection on vacant posts of UPSSSC direct recruitment of Draftsman and Cartographer

There will be one question paper in the written examination, which will contain 100 questions and the total time duration will be two hours. The questions of the examination will be objective and multiple-choice type. Each question will be of one mark. There is a provision of negative marking for each wrong answer for the examination, which will be 25 percent i.e. ½ of the marks prescribed for that question.

Examination Plan

The parts of examination, subject, number of questions, total marks and time period will be as per the details given below- 





No. of Questions

Total Marks 

Time Period

Part-1 1.- Drawing Instrument and Software 15 15

2. Calculation and Illustration 20 20

3. Various Trades 10 10

4.Architecture 5 5 120 Minutes

5.3D and 2D, GPS and Climate 10 10

6. Occupational Health and Safety 10 10
Knowledge of 2 Concepts of Computer and Information Technology and Contemporary Technological Development and Innovation in this field


Part-3 General Informationrelated to the state of Uttar Pradesh2020

Total 100 100

Note- There is a provision of negative marking for each wrong answer for the above examination, which will be 25 percent i.e. % of marks prescribed for that question,

Part-1 (Subject related Knowledge)

1.- Drawing Instrument and Software

Introduction to engineering drawing instruments- drawing board, drawing sheet, protector, drafting machine, setsquare etc. and its uses. Software: Computer Aided Drafting- Introduction to CAD, its graphical user interface, basic commands of CAD, knowledge of set of tool icons and toolbars, knowledge of shortcut keyboard commands.

2. Calculation and Illustration

Calculating area, drawing of geometric shapes,

symbolizing and demonstrating, drawing different scales.

making projectiles, making drawings of shoring and pod

(scaffolding), plotting, mapping, making drawings of

trusses, roofs, stairs and ramps, knowledge of plumbing

pipes and points, knowledge of water supply, making

drawings of sanitary fittings and sewerage, making

sectional drawings of roads, bridges, culverts, types of lines, knowledge of Hindi and English letters with reference to scale, ability to read and make drawings,

3.- Various Trades

Information about plumbing pipes and points, information about water supply, information about electrical points.

4. Architecture

Knowledge of old Indian architecture, stone and brick masonry, arch lintel, zarib (chain) and lace (tape), knowledge of bikmapak (round type), surveying through level measuring instruments, knowledge of parts and places of building used in parallel, types of foundations.

5. 3D and 2D, GPS and Climate

Knowledge of 2D and 3D solids and electrical points, knowledge of micro and macro climate, entry in the field book (field book entry), finding the position of the station point through GPS (Global Positioning System).

6. Occupational Health and Safety

Importance of safety and general precautions in industry, introduction to first aid, introduction to PPE, response to emergencies- power failure, fire alarm etc.


(Knowledge of Concepts of Computer and Information Technology and Contemporary Technological Development and Innovation in this field)

History, Introduction and Application of Computer, Information Technology, Internet and World Wide Web (WWW).

General Knowledge related to:

1. Hardware and Software.

2 Input and Output.

3 Internet Protocol/IP Address.

IT gadgets and their application.

5. Creation of e-mail ID and use/operation of e-mail.

6. Operation of Printer, Tablet and Mobile.

7. Important elements of Word Processing (MS-Word) and

Excel Processing (MS-Excel).

8. Operating System, Social Networking, e-Governance.

Digital Financial Tools and Applications.

Future Skills and Cyber Security.

Technological Development and Innovation in the field of Computer and Information Technology (Artificial Intelligence, Big Data Processing. Deep Learning, Machine Learning. Internet of Things) and India's achievements in this field etc.


(General Information related to The State of Uttar Pradesh)

In this part of the question paper, questions ba History, Culture, Art, Architecture, Festivals, Folk L Literature, Regional Languages. Heritage, Social Cust 7/8 and Tourism, Geographical Landscape and Environment, Natural Resources, Climate, Soil, Forest, Wildlife, Mines and Minerals, Economy, Agriculture, Industry, Business and Employment, Polity, Administration of Uttar Pradesh and Current Events and Achievements of Uttar Pradesh State in various fields etc. will be asked from the candidates.

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